Attention all chili peppers...

Chili's Zombies is a bit of an interesting project. The whole idea spawned from a dinner with friends at Chili's right before the COVID-19 pandemic. The project would become more and more grandiose overtime with new areas being added and over 15 easter eggs being scripted for the map, not including the main story or main quest. The map is currently a work-in-progress and I'm not sure when it will be complete. At this point in time the map has amassed nearly 40,000 subscribers on Steam, and has made appearances in many videos on YouTube and other platforms.

I am responsible for almost all of the scripting in the map, the overall map design, narrative, and a lot of the voice acting. All of the models, textures, weapons, overall game belong to Treyarch and Activision Publishing. 
Waffles The Cat Easter Egg Code Snippet
Chili's is not associated with the Welcome To Chili's Zombies Map. Any references to the company in this project or this site as a whole are a parody and protected under Fair Use.

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